Monday, July 13, 2015

Transhumanist Party Presidential Candidate Travelling in Style (W3)

So  Zoltan Istvan, presidential candidate running under the Transhumanist Party, is hoping to tour in a giant coffin bus type thing.  The vehicle will match the theme of his platform which is, well, transhumanism.  I have been a bit of a fan of Istvan for a while and I agree with much of his sentiments so this bus totally makes sense to me.  To others, maybe not so much.

Sort of what it may look like kinda maybe.  Hopefully.  Fingers crossed.

The Transhumanists don't believe in the superstitions that say "we can't play god" or "we can't participate in our evolution" or "driving coffins is wrong, mkay".  Transhumanism says "screw that, we gonna live forever" and that's the plan.  If there is any group of people with humanity's literal advancement in mind, it's these guys.  In his own words:
“We’re trying to spread a culture that looks positively at indefinite human lifespans,” Istvan told KurzweilAI. “In addition to rallies and events, we hope to visit a number of universities, where futurist and transhumanist student groups have been popping up. We hope to have these groups on board the bus and offer advice on pursing careers in technology, artificial intelligence, and medicine. Our hope is to get youth to pursue science and engineering, instead of, let’s say, advertising or accounting.
“We also plan to visit homes with disabled war veterans, discuss new technologies that might help them live better, like exoskeleton suits, and hold events for LGBT communities that are increasingly considering virtual reality and other new tech as part of their social lives. We hope these collective efforts will help broaden the horizon of the futurist, transhumanist, and longevity communities that are all using technology to move society forward.”
For the full article, click here.

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